Friday, March 12, 2010

Back in Bangkok

I flew from too-sunny Yangon to too-sunny Bangkok on Thursday. (See "Burma" posting below.) Joe is there for another ten days, trekking among hill tribes in Chin and Shan states. The chin are remarkable for their belief that if they bathe, it will kill them. I think Joe should say, "Hey, why don't you take a bath? It won't kill you." But he is too polite for that. Anyway, I'm sure he would just get puzzled looks.

I returned to Thailand just in time for more political mayhem. Most Thais are sick of this, but it goes on. The "red shirt" supporters of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra are descending on Bangkok this weekend for mass demonstrations meant to force the Abhisit Vejjajiva government to resign. This is unlikely to happen. People are nervous here---last year in a similar confrontation two people were killed and several injured. I hope to witness some of this year's goings-on. Though with care---a headline in yesterday's Bangkok Post read "Mob prepares arsenal of fish bombs and faeces." Live ammunition is bad enough, but this?

I'll report on developments in a few days. Meanwhile, how about some fish bombs for Mitch McConnell? Duty calls.

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